US$5 as a souvenir. Please read all the other post asking the same question
May 24, 2020
I would like to have the Zimbabwe dillar by: SweetsAnonymous
How much would you want? What do you have?
Aug 06, 2020
I have 500 000 zim dollars by: Anonymous
I have 500 000 Zim Dollars. I found it on the street. I know it's worth about 24 000 Rands. Where do i change it
Aug 07, 2020
Only has value as a souvenir by: Tony
It's not worth R24 000, as that is the exchange rate for a US$. The Zim dollar 500 000 you have is worth about US$5 as a souvenir. It has absolutely no value as a real currency, as that currency is no longer in circulation.
Dec 04, 2020
I have a lot of notes by: Natalie s
If anyone is still looking to $$ Zimbabwe notes I have 1) 100000000 note please e mail me if your serious and would like to $$ it. Is my contact info