Wildlife ConservationConservation is the PRESERVATION of wildlife which includes not only animals but all aspects of nature, rivers, trees, flora and fauna.
Zimbabwe Wildlife ConservationIn Zimbabwe until recent years the proper conservation of wildlife was a matter of National priority. Upon this foundation the highly respected Zimbabwe National Parks was founded. Concern over the survival of large mammals was first expressed early in the 20th century, as many species including rhino and elephant, had suffered severely from several decades of uncontrolled hunting. The spread of commercial agriculture and human settlement had also destroyed animal habitats. The government responded by setting aside large "game reserves" solely for wildlife. These reserves were the forerunners of today's national parks system. Locals were removed from these areas and forbidden to hunt for any reason. Approximately 5 million hectares of land or 13% of Zimbabwe falls under the care of the Zimbabwe National Parks authority. In recent years due to the economic collapse of the country. The challenges of conservation have become even tougher. Poaching for meat has become a matter of their own survival for many local people. Poaching for animal products such as skins, rhino horn and elephant tusks, has become prolific as poachers are offered in some cases the equivalent of a years wages for one rhino horn. Poaching for wood for both firewood and curio carving has dramatically increased as curio carvers try to etch out a living.
How sad is this picture! There have also been many reports of uncontrolled hunting, whereby hunting is carried out unscrupulously, not taking into account the stock levels of animals etc. The situation is dire and only through the concerted effort of certain groups of people has the situation avoided complete disaster. These are some groups which have played a pivotal role in conserving our wildlife. We are very thankful to them for their dedication and hard work.
The success of sustainable conservation today is through community awareness Everyone has to understand the value and importance of our natural resources and understand that is within their own interests to protect them. I believe that we must all play our part and not leave it to the other guy to do. Have your say in the blog below...
Wildlife Conservation BlogIf you have an opinion, a story, maybe an idea on how to start a conservation project or anything about conservation that you think might be of interest, please share it with us in the invitation box below. It will be posted onto our blog and a dedicated web page will be created for it. Previous Blog EntriesClick on the blog entries below to see them and add your comments...
223 Zebra Translocated to Matusadona National Park
Save the elephants, and other species, too
Animal slaughter
The Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust
Victoria Falls Anti Poaching Unit report 2012
430 Rhino have been Poached this Year
Africa’s lions face “emergency situation”
Biggest International Operation Against Ivory Traffickers - 200 Arrested
One Rhino Killed every day in May
Poaching of Rhinos in SA is Dramatically Increasing
Shearwater helps Zimbabwe National Parks fight back but the Rhino slaughter continues
Rhino Poaching Figures March 2012
Already 52 rhinos poached in SA 2012
Illegal Hunting in Zimbabwe
Game rangers shoot dead three rhino 'poachers'
Fears in Zimbabwe as poachers poison water
2 tons of elephant ivory seized in Hong Kong
Five African Nations Sign Up for Conservation Zone the Size of California
Poachers devise new tricks to evade detection
Mana Pools developement to go ahead
African Elephants to Benefit From New $100 Million Fund
Rampant Poaching Decimates Kariba Wildlife
Elephant and rhino poaching 'is driven by China's economic boom'
Presidential herd under fire
How farming rhino will save them
Museums Being Targeted By Rhino Horn Thieves
Zimbabwe arrests 10 for rhino, elephant poaching
VFAPU REPORT – January to end June 2011
Poacher stalked by lions 'happy to be found'
Goldman Prize: Zimbabwe's rhino rescuer honoured
Parks rangers shoot and kill two poachers
De-Horning Rhino by the International Anti-Poaching Foundation
Victoria Falls Vulture Restaurants Attract South African Clientele
Two Poachers Shot Dead
21 Rhinos Already Poached in 2011
Two White Rhino's Born in Zambia
Victoria Falls Anti Poaching Unit (VFAPU) 2010 report
Make a Stand Against Rhino Poaching
China's Presence in Africa Blamed for Threat to Rhino Populations
Rhino Poaching in SA Reaches All Time High
Chinese Paochers Suspected of Killing Rhinos
Breakthrough in Rhino Conservation
Solving the thousand-piece rhino poaching puzzle
UK Government bans rhino horn exports
Wildlife ranchers in South Africa call for controlled trade of rhino horn
Rhino Poachers Now Use Helicopters
British celebrity admits to consuming Rhino horn powder
Buffaloes Dying of Starvation
Poachers Kill 10 Elephant in Zimbabwe
Musango Bull Elephant Shot Dead
Good News - Rhino Population Increases in Zimbabwe
Kariba's Animal are Starving
Ivory Black Market Threatens the African Elephant
Poaching continues to damage African Elephant numbers
Zambia blocks Zambezi Water project
Elephants Win - Ivory Sales Banned
Rhino Poaching: Zim Probed by Interpol
Horrific Development Opposite Mana Pools
Time to choose: Elephants or Ivory
Release of Rhino Poachers Exposes Widespread Enforcement Failures
Trading Rhino Horn for Guns!!
2010 Plans for Zimbabwe Wild Dogs
Rhino Horn Worth More than Gold