

Who cares?

by Hola!

Why is Zimbabwe so obsessed with Zambia? This are signs of an inferiority complex of always wanting to compete or bring down another people. Look at the beautiful Kazungula bridge being built after so much objection from Zimbabwe. Now they want to join just to come and destroy the plan because it does not seem to benefit their country.

How I wish Zambia shared the falls with Botswana all this nonsense would not be there!By the way, it is called Musi O tunya by the Toka Leya of...had it not been for the silly federation.

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Jun 06, 2019
by: Anonymous

Are you sure this article was written by Zimbabwe.?? Is this a Zimbabwe government site? Where did you see Zimbabwe obsessed with Zimbabwe? Zimbabwe inferior to who?? You are the worst informed Zambian I ever listened to?

Jun 07, 2019
Musi O Tunya
by: Nigel

Oh and if it hadn't been for the silly federation do you think anyone would care what it was called. Because of the federation it has become a wonder of the world and hundreds thousands of visitors visit it per year, without it not a single visitor would be here.
Stop trying to rewrite history and accept it for what it is.

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