Victoria Falls Gets Covid-19 Vaccinations
31 March 2021 In an effort to encourage the recovery of the tourism sector, the city of Victoria Falls became part of the second phase of Zimbabwe's Covid-19 vaccination program. Because Victoria Falls is the most popular destination and has relied heavily on tourism, the city got first priority, and adults 18 years and older came out in their thousands to get their first doses. Tourism in Victoria Falls is the major source of revenue and livelihoods in the region, and the impact throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for the residents and stakeholders alike. The vaccination roll out has however sparked an immense amount of excitement with stakeholders and the wider community. The Ministry of Health medical teams on the ground in Victoria Falls, working with the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority and stakeholders, have done an outstanding job in setting up vaccination centre's and mobile units during the first week to cover as much ground as possible in a professional and efficient manner. The vaccination program in Victoria Falls started on Monday 22nd March, and by the end of that week, 16 261 residents had received their first doses of the SinoPharm vaccine. In this second week, the mobile units have moved on, but the static centres are till open for those that missed theirs in the first week. "One year on as we embark on the mass vaccination program it is my hope that the sleeping giant can be awakened again and life and livelihoods be restored. I must commend the people of Victoria Falls for their response to the vaccination program with 6140 people vaccinated in just three days as of Wednesday 24th of March. We would like to thank the Victoria Falls community for taking responsibility to not only protect themselves but also our wider community and for doing their part in the process of bringing back the tourism on which so many livelihoods depend," said Dr Fungai Mvula, the Acting DMO for Matabeland North. Source: We Are Victoria Falls. As the team of Victoria Falls Guide, we have got our first doses of the vaccine as well. The process was made simple, and the medical team very efficient and professional. We commend them for a job well done, and we look forward to our second jabs in a few weeks' time. For the latest in Zimbabwe Covid-19 travel updates, please click here.