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Victoria Falls Crime and Safety

"Is it Safe" That's the question on everyone's lips before they consider travelling to Zimbabwe. This is completely understandable given that Zimbabwe has featured so much on the international press for its political unrest.

Yes It is Safe! Please come and see for yourself

Victoria Falls has always been its own entity and should be viewed separately from the rest of Zimbabwe with regards to crime and safety. 

So even when Zimbabwe was going through its worst times, Victoria Falls always remained a safe destination and I can confidently state that Victoria Falls is a perfectly safe tourist destination.

Tourism understandably declined dramatically during the height of the political tension but that is behind us now. If you have seen any bad publicity published, I would encourage you to consider this as misinformation from someone not on the ground.

I have seen overseas government travel warnings that are grossly inaccurate and unfair. Victoria Falls is a safe place to visit.

In Victoria Falls petty crime of course does exist as with anywhere in the world, but it is at a very low level and certainly should not deter anyone from visiting this amazing place.

As a city or town goes you are safer here than many many cities around the world. It's difficult to describe and you will have to visit to believe it but the people here understand that tourists are their livelihood and therefore they wont do anything to jeopardise that.

There are many of the reviews from people who have just been to the falls and on the whole they concur with my views.

General things to look out for

There are tons of street vendors in the town, and they can be a bit of a nuisance. Unfortunately for them, as tourism dwindled so did their income, they are just desperate to make a sale, so it’s worth bearing that in mind when dealing with them. These guys are harmless and desperate, and will generally be very willing to help you.

There are "Tourism Police Officers" on patrol throughout the town and they keep the vendors in check, if you are feeling hassled, ask one of these officers to escort you. They are easily identified by their bright yellow bibs.

Do be aware of pick pockets and make sure that you put your cameras straps around your necks, so no-one can make a quick snatch.

“Victoria falls crime in hotels” I have read several reports recently of valuables being stolen from their hotel rooms, quite obviously by the hotel staff. The only advice here is to always lock valuables away, preferably in the hotel safes or in your own lockable suitcases - Don’t Put Temptation in Ones Way – always remember that the locals do struggle to survive.

Overall the Zimbabwean people are very friendly and appreciate the business that tourists bring.

Visitor Reviews

Please read these reviews from other travellers who have just been to Victoria Falls.

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Victoria Falls Crime

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