

Comments for Victoria Falls and area in April

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Jan 09, 2018
Victoria Falls in April
by: Tony

Hi There

The Zambezi river is at it's peak flow in April so the volume of water coming over the Falls at that time is at it's greatest. The only issue is that in some places where the gorge is at it's narrowest the spray becomes so intense that there is a complete white out. In these places you cannot see the Falls but you can certainly feel them and it is an impressive feeling. Devils cataract and main falls still has good visiblity at that time and again it is very impressive. Viewing from the air via microlight, helicopter or skydiving is also a must at that time of year.
The only activities that are not available then is rafting and the devils pool swim, all other activities can be done. A canoe trip on the Zambezi above the Falls is recommended then and has a certain amount of smaller white water rapids. If you send an email to info@victoriafalls-guide.net we can help to put together an itinerary of activities for you that will suit your expectations.
The weather is generally glorious at that time of year, so all in all, unless rafting and the devils pool are your main focus it is a good time of year to visit.

Jan 11, 2018
Too expensive
by: Trevor and friends..

Friends and friends..no more to vicfallscarnival.com.
The Activities are way too expensive and rest camp prices are way too high..usa citizens $30 to see vic falls..$7 for residents..never again..bye bye carnival and vic falls..too expensive...never again..bye for good...

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