On The Bridge about to bungee
When I booked to go to Vic Falls on the Zim side I was nervous and did not know what to expect. Fortunately I had a limited budget so that I was forced to go on the Zim side instead of the Zambian side,thank goodness for that or else I would have missed out on my most amazing experience in Zim. I stayed at the Elephant Hills resort which is really lovely . They are busy revamping , the rooms are clean and comfortable. The staff are friendly and always too happy to assist.The meals were fantastic. I am extremely fussy with food and was amazed at the variety that we had. No need to book dinners, try the different hotels and resurants around town , it is cheaper and the food is excellent. The people in ZIM are warm and friendly, I felt safer in Zim than I would be in South Africa. There is tourist police at every corner. Iniatially I was a bit scared when I was surrounded with zims selling their work of art but very quickly realised that they are totally harmless and they all just want to sell their stuff. Please take extra biscuits and old clothes as they are very poor , why not help them since we are in their country we should give back something too. I used to catch a shuttle into town just to interact with the locals they looked forward to seeing me too. As I stepped off the bus they would run towards me to greet me and walk around with me. Please do not miss out on the activities. The bungi jump was amazing , totally safe and the most memorable experience. The walk of the falls was fantastic you can do this by yourself it is totally safe, no need to pay for a guided walk.75 % of the falls is on the Zim side, so don;t be fooled that the Zambian side is better, you will be paying more and missing out on the beauty of Zim. Boo and Tony thank you so much for arranging our activities everthing was perfect with no hic ups.