(Updated) Important Registration and Other Information for the 2022 Vic Falls Marathon
The Marathon is back in the Falls this year and will be held on the 3rd of July. Registration is still in progress until 27th June 2022, or sooner if capacity is reached. There are just a few spots still available. Registration is Online Only The important thing to note is that ONLY ONLINE REGISTRATION IS ACCEPTED THIS YEAR, and this needs to be done before midnight on the 27th June 2022. This is available on the official website - vicfallsmarathon.com Around race day, collection for race numbers will be at the Kingdom Hotel on the 30th June, 1st and 2nd July. Proof of payment and ID/passport will be required to collect. Border and Road Closures The Victoria Falls Bridge border will be closed from Saturday night on 2nd July to 9am on Sunday 3rd July. The road from the railway line to the border will be closed from 4am to 9am on the 3rd of July. The New Finish Line This year, the finish line will be at Baobab Primary School. You will find information on the routes, on their website under "2022 Race Info". Food and drinks will be on sale until 1pm. All the best to participants in this year's Victoria Falls marathon!