UniVisa Zimbabwe Zambia
Last update: 4th October 2024 What is a KAZA UniVisa?It is a special visa that allows entry into Zimbabwe and Zambia as frequently as you like (for 30 days). If your nationality requires you to have a visa for both countries, it is cheaper than buying a separate visa for both countries. It also allows you to enter Botswana for a day-trip and return to Zambia or Zimbabwe. Please also read the SIDE NOTE at the bottom of this page for more details. How much is a KAZA UniVisa?The UNIVISA - standard fee of US$50 – where credit card point of sale facilities are not available at port of entry it is recommended that clients have US$50 available for payment. Can I get a one online?Visitors to Zambia may use the online payment facility on the Zambia e-visa website. There is a small surcharge will be added for online purchase, and an approval letter will be issued to show to the immigration official on arrival. Visitors to Zimbabwe may also use Zimbabwe e-visa website to pre-apply and make the payment online. Note: If you get the online KAZA visa from the Zambian e-visa website, your first port of entry will have to be a Zambian one. If you get the visa on the Zimbabwean e-visa website, then your first port of entry must be one of the Zimbabwe ones. How long is the UniVisa valid?Validity – the KAZA UNIVISA is valid for 30 days as long as you remain in Zimbabwe or Zambia, and clients can cross into Zimbabwe/Zambia as frequently as they like within the 30 day period. (If the UNIVISA is obtained at Victoria Falls and you cross over to Zambia at Kariba or Chirundu or vice versa the visa would be valid)
Can I extend my KAZA UniVisa?The UNIVISA is not extendable. However, you can buy a new UNIVISA (up to 3 per year). You do NOT have to by a UniVisa. You can purchase normal single and double entry visas if they suit you better - see our Zimbabwe visa page. Which countries qualify for a KAZA Univisa?
SIDE NOTES *Countries marked with an asterisk (*) from 2022 no longer require a visa to enter Zambia. If you are one of those countries (*) and are only visiting Zambia, then you do not need to get the KazaVisa or a normal visa. If you are flying into Zambia first, and then visiting Zimbabwe, you will not be able to purchase the KAZA UNIVISA in Zambia for your entry into Zimbabwe. You will have to buy your Zimbabwe visa when you enter Zimbabwe. If you are flying into Zimbabwe first, and then visiting Zambia, in theory you cannot get a KazaVisa but you can request one, if you are British or Canadian and it works out cheaper for you. If you are entering Zimbabwe 3 times i.e. going to Zambia and Botswana and back to Zimbabwe, then you can ask for a KazaVisa. However, there are no guarantees that you will be granted one. Which ports of entry can I get and use a KAZA UniVisa?The UNIVISA can be obtained and used for entry only at the following Ports of Entry:
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