Hi, if I were you I would catch the Free hotel shuttle bus which will take you to the Vic falls entrance, which is only about 100m away from the Zim border post. Pass through customs and immigration on both sides. The walk across the bridge is quite long +/- 1km.
Then catch a taxi in Zambia to take you where you want to go, I really am not sure about taxi fees in Zambia, but I would budget on +/- US$ 40 to $50 take you to Livingstone around a bit and then back to the border, but that is only a guide, depends on how much driving you will do.
You can get transfers from the Zim side all the way to Livingstone which will take you through the border post and across the bridge , but these cost about US$16 per person one way.
I am presuming you are all on SA passports and will therefore not need to get visas for Zim or Zambia, if you are on other passports please check if you need a visa as this could add to your cost dramatically.
You will have no problem getting your passport stamped on return into Zim. People go across all the time to visit Zambia and then return.
Zimbabwe uses 13amp Square 3 pin plugs NOT 15amp round 3 pin. You will need an adapter
To see the falls for SA residents is US$20 or R160. Children under 12 half price. Take ID
Yes US$ is your best currency to use, but rand works well also, except at the border posts for visas etc, they will give you a shocking exchange rate.
I guess you are expected to barter as they will always start at a higher price expecting someone to knock their price down. Pay what you think is fair, don't rip them and don't let them rip you.
Hope that helps
Oct 20, 2010
Thank you Tony so much for all the information you gave me re going over the border to Livingstone and cost of taxis etc. I really do appreciate all the input. We leave on Sunday 24th to fly to Livingstone and am so excited. I believe the falls are quite spectacular and one just cannot capture the true "splendidness" of them on camera!
Thanks again for a most informative website - I have so enjoyed reading it and folks' questions and your answers.