

Comments for Transport from Milbizi to Vic falls

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Mar 11, 2011
travel advice
by: Tony

To get from Mlibizi to Vic falls, presuming you haven't hired a car and taken it with you on the ferry, you would have to arrange for a transfer. This can easily be done and we can help you with that if needs be. Cost is about US$50 per person one way.
An excellent fishing camp outside Vic Falls on the upper Zambezi is Imbabala (70kms upstream) , for more details click here. Its a luxury camp so I am not sure what budget you are on, but the fishing is really good there. Close to Vic falls there are not many other options. If you are keen on fishing its best to do that around the Kariba area.

There are fishing camps much further upstream in Zambia, again not sure how far you want to travel or budget.

From London its best to fly to Johannesburg and then up to Zim, either to Vic Falls or Harare depending on and how you intend to get to Kariba. (Sorry but I don't fly Airzim, its a disaster waiting to happen). Maybe if you send us a booking enquiry form with more details about your trip I can help to put something together for you.

Jul 10, 2011
Transfer Vic Falls to Milbizi
by: Sean

Hi I need to get from Vic Falls to Milbezi on 24th December. How can I book with this transfer service? Do you have contact info?

Many Thanks

Jul 11, 2011
Transfer to Mlibizi
by: Tony

Hi Sean - Best just send us an enquiry via this enquiry form and we can make the booking easily for you.


Dec 11, 2011
Airport Transfer UK
by: himu

This is very informative and good. i came in to read about this topic, thanks a lot. i will put this site into my bookmarks.
thanks by,
Airport Transfer UK

Apr 19, 2012
by: Margie

Hi Will be flying to Vic Fall on the 8th October then I need to get from Victoria Fall (Milabizi) to Kariba around the 13th October 2012, the Ferry is not running then , any other suggestion on how to get to Kariba, 4 passengers.

Apr 19, 2012
Victoria Falls to Kariba
by: Tony

If you don't have a vehicle then the only way is to fly with one of the charter companies. Wilderness air, Halstead air or Executve air operate this route.

I suppose you could catch a bus through Zambia up to Lusaka and then maybe another one back to kariba. I am not sure of the logistics for this, but at least through Zambia this is a shorter distance. In Zimbabwe you have to drive all the way via Bulawayo and Harare

Sorry can't be more helpful it is a real problem

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