please leave this river alone let it be freee adding boats will kill the wildlife please leave this river ALONE DO NOT HURT OR DO ANYTHING TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Industrialization is the solution by: Zolani, Johannesburg RSA
The major problem facing that region is povery PEOPLE going to sleep without food as beautiful as it is with its wildlife so if this project is going to open opportunities by encouraging industrialization and aradicate poverty why not, people of Africa are not going to rely on hand-outs from outside by converting their natural landscapes into profit making infrastructure that is going to create more for them.
May 22, 2014
infairness by: Anonymous
You really need to understand the situation before commenting. We build dams - wonderful the amateurs like you say, drowning vegetation and destroying grazing for animals - please,please you say don't clear up after us and remove the silt we leave from the rivers you will spoil everything.