

The Lookout Cafe is Now Open

(Victoria Falls)

The new Lookout Cafe

The new Lookout Cafe

2 December 2019

Almost a year after being burnt to the ground, the Lookout Cafe was reborn and is now open in the same location above the Batoka gorge.

The cafe reopened it's doors on Sunday, 1st December with brand new decor in an even bigger building, more than doubling its seating capacity to 200 guests at a time. Space has gone from a single building with garden seating to a larger open-air restaurant offering upper and lower deck areas. The old thatch and gum pole theme was replaced by plastic and bamboo composite, and no trees were cut for construction of the cafe.

“We chose this design and colour of roof to remain friendly to the environment and not to impact negatively on our neighbours but most importantly the kitchen and all electricals were redone while we also moved away from thatched roofs hence we are confident we are unlikely to have a similar experience.”

“Lookout Café was burnt down on 24 December last year and it’s been a long process getting plans drawn and getting approvals from authorities. The actual construction took five months and we invested US$900 000 as we tried to keep a similar concept,” - Mr Gary Archer.

The Lookout Cafe will be serving daily lunch and dinner. The high-wire activities nearby offer guests a little adrenaline adventure with a few experiences to choose from.

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Lookout Cafe
Victoria Falls Restaurants
Lookout Cafe Burns Down

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