Is it still possible and allowed to swim in the Devil's Pool? and when the water level is low enough to do it? Is the access to the Devil's Pool only from Zambia-side?
Hi Marta - in response to your queries. Yes it is possible to still do the Devils swim. Low water season is from approx Sept to Dec. Yes access is only from the Zambian side.
Please note that there have been some fatal accidents on this activity. It is not one of our recommended activities.
Nov 15, 2010
Go ahead by: Suggy
My wife and went in last week, thought it was a great trip and the guides were very good
Felt safe
One point though, we had a drunk Australian couple there who caused concern for all, they should not have been allowed and the guide did tell them the trip would not go ahead if they were out of order
We did explain this to the company, via our lodge manager
They should have a breathalyser to stop this type of selfish idiot
I still strongly suggest the trip
Nov 15, 2010
Little regulation by: Tony
There is no denying that this is an exhilarating experience. Why we don't recommend it is that there is very little regulation on it. The fact that a drunk person has even got close to the edge of the Falls highlights our concern. The guide who died this year was saving a client that had slipped and was heading over the edge.