

Starting School

by Clive Goodrich

I think it would be better if I started with my arrival in Livingstone in 1947.

I attended Katambora junior school in Livingstone with a number of children from the Falls. (there were no schools in the falls at that time)

The children had to be taken to and collected from school daily by car, this is where the coloured triangles stuck on the car windscreen allowed quick passage backwards and forwards through the border.

As teenagers after school my friends and I used to cycle to the falls and get into all kinds of mischief. One occasion I do remember was climbing over the steel gate under the bridge on the south side playing on the catwalk and running over to the north side. A dangerous and stupid thing to do but kids don't think of the danger.

A few miles up river from the Big Tree (possibly in the game park now) the river is very shallow and one can cross to the north side quite easily. This was known to us as Andersons Drift where goods and cattle were taken across to the north side before the building of the bridge.

There used to be a monument to this effect on the north side but I doubt if it is still there.

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