


by S.M. Stirling
(Santa Fe, NM, USA)

Who is volunteering to be a peasant and live in a verminous mud hut on a bowl of sorghum porridge a day? Did I mention the toil, disease and early death?

No volunteers? Somehow I didn't think so.

Comments for So...

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Mar 18, 2013
by: Anonymous

What, exactly is your point?!?!?

Dec 15, 2015
So... Try!
by: Fish Hugger

No doubt, if there are no means provided by local governments for scientists to do their work (i.e., accommodations, food, transportation to sites for sample and data collection,electric power for computers to compile that data,etc.) or no legal requirements for project proponents to initiate and fund environmental studies, then the hurdles to establishing Environmental Protection Plans and Mitigation Options are definitely substantial, but can be overcome in other ways.

Global non-profit environmental organisations do exist that can fund such endeavors. However, whether there is the will to fund any particular project is another matter. Budgets are limited and choices have to be made regarding where funds will go.

Historically, even when no money had been provided, there have been many cases around the world where deeply dedicated individuals have taken matters into their own hands and done whatever they could to protect wildlife and their habitats. It doesn't always end with success, but even sole individuals (i.e., one person) have been credited with bringing endangered species or habitats back from the brink of nevermore. The people that do these things do them because they believe what they are doing is important. Generally, these people are exceptions in society, not society's norm, not because they believe that environmental protection is important (lots of people believe this now), but because they are willing step up to try to do something about it.

The Ultimate Point:

If you hang onto the pessimistic BELIEF that there is no possible hope of achieving success (i.e., think failure is guaranteed), you will incorrectly reason that expending any of your time/effort towards trying to do something is a pointless endeavor. So why should you even try. After all, you 'know' that destiny does not lie in your hands. Right?

If you said 'right', you will be right and the worst will happen.

If you said 'wrong', you will also be right, however you might actually be someone that is responsible for something great happening.

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