Snare Wire JewelleryA joint venture between Wilderness Safaris & Ndau Jewellery Community Empowerment
Repurposed Copper earrings
Some Statistics
Snare wire is collected All snare wire requires a special license from Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) for possession. Some copper in various gauges is mixed in. As copper is a controlled metal, further special permission to work with it is required from the Minerals Board. The majority of snare wire is carbonised & galvanised strengthened steel, very difficult to manipulate with finesse. Traditional methods have been researched and the Shona coil technique of bracelet making over a 'Bellows Fired Earth Forge' is utilised. A local traditional ironmonger is teaching villagers how to build and use a basic forge.
Snare wire forged to make jewellery
Ndau Jewellers are teaching villagers under the umbrella of CITW - Children In The Wilderness Trust an NPO, supported by ecotourism company Wilderness Safaris - focusing on empowering women and young people. This stunning jewellery is soon to be available.
Forged In Fire With Traditional Skills, Hand Bound With Copper In Signature ‘W’ Knot