

Sightseeing around Zimbabwe side of Victoria Falls

by Todd Brown

Boma Restaurant

Boma Restaurant

Four nights is plenty of time to do most things in the Vic Falls area. The Falls itself would take an afternoon, about 3-4 hours to fully enjoy the sight. The craft market is also worthwhile and can take 2-3 hours depending on your shopping/bargaining style.

After that, you have multiple activities like white water rafting, helicopter ride, bungee jumping, etc to enjoy. Contact Boo, she can give you lots of options for the area and pre-arrange most things for you to do.

Regarding Lokuthula, it is in a complex with the Boma restaurant and the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge. Spectacular site up on a hill overlooking a water hole and vast empty plains of Zimbabwe. It's about a 5-8 minute easy drive from the center of town.

Boma restaurant is really fun. Yes, it's a little touristy. But the food was good, the atmosphere really fun, and the drumming/entertainment was a great intro to the area.

We stayed at the Vic Falls Safari Lodge for two nights and could have spent one more. I'd say four night might be one too many. You may be better off converting that 4th day into a safari day since animal sightings are unpredictable.

Have a great trip!

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