

Sights, Sounds, Smells and Tastes of Africa

by Anne Brown
(United Kingdom)

Our evening at the Boma "Place of Eating" was a cultural experience rather than simply dining out. It assailed our senses with the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of Africa, introducing us to some Zimbabwean traditions and ethnic foods as well as providing us with a programme of unusual entertainment.

The atmosphere was enhanced by the inclusion of traditional customs like hand washing & beer tasting at the beginning of the meal. Fortune telling by the resident witchdoctor, face painting and hair braiding were all offered unobtrusively and added to the general experience.

The wide range of delicious food on offer, buffet style, gave us ample opportunity to taste traditional fare such as Potjiekos (a hunters stew), various game meats and fish dishes as well the ethnic delicacies that are mopani worms and kapenta! There was a good selection of interesting accompaniments - such as peanut flavoured rice - and the vegetarian member of our party was well catered for. Desserts were just far too tempting for anyone to resist.

Energetic entertainment was provided by colorful Shangaan and Ndebele dancers and an exuberant interactive drumming show got everyone beating out a rhythm on an instrument that is synonymous with Africa.

All in all a great night out, good service, good value for money and we would thoroughly recommend it to any Victoria Falls visitor.

Anne, Graham, Steve & Nicole (September 2009)

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