

Comments for Shortcut between Lupane and Kwekwe

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Mar 11, 2013
Lupane to KweKwe shortcut
by: Tony

Hi Shelly

Unfortunately no one came back to me regarding a recent update on that route. As I said previously I have not done it myself for many years, but when I did it, it is was a not a good road and the shortness in distance was offset against time and wear and tear on the vehicles. I can't see much work having been done on it in the last 10 years so I can't imgine how it can have got much better. It's not a route that is the norm to do so that must indicate that it is not much of a shortcut. At max I think you will save yourself 30 mins to an hour, but will be fairly rattled in the process. Sorry can't be of more help. Once again if you do decide to do it please give us an updated report.
Could be a bit of an adventure.

Jun 21, 2013
Road condition
by: Gudrun


I tried that short cut a few months ago but unfortunately at the time was in a Nissan Champ loaded with stuff (not ideal!).

From the Nkayi turn off to Kwekwe the road is excellent apart from approx 30km of gravel. It had me wondering why more people don't use it! However the problem part is the Lupane to about the Nkayi turn off where there 100km plus of gravel Rd which in places the Kalahari sand is deep and troublesome (skidding and getting bogged down)...However if you have a 4x4 I think it is an OK route. If I had a 4x4 I would use it again.

Perhaps you have already made your journey but if not hope this is helpful!

Sep 10, 2024
Road to kwekwe
by: Anonymous

We attempted to drive from Lupane to Harare using the Kwekwe road last August 2023. I do not advise travelling this road and please only attempt if you have a solid reliable 4x4. Road starts of tarmac however very quickly turns into sand. You will have no cell service. We drove for 2hrs and did not see a single vehicle, person, shop or any sign we were going on an actual road. We turned back for fear of running out of fuel. We then got a puncture, we were saved by locals who were the only vehicle we saw on this journey despite being on the road for nearly 4 hrs. Not worth the stress but if you are determined make sure you have plenty fuel, food and someone knows your route and eta in case you break down. Max speed was around 30mph due to deep sand pockets and debris.

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