

Seaway? Interesting topic here.

by Tombi Tumbare
(Mutoko, ZImbabwe)

This article is biased towards those against this project. WHere can I get an article that states the benefits of this project. The disadvantages to me don't hold water. I think animals can still be saved by simply relocating them we have moved animals several times from when we started building cities like Harare, London etc and when we cleared land for farms. I thought you would come up with arguments like people will dies or it will cause a pandemic like Covid-19 😂. The way you feel for animals, we blacks have also gone through that process of being displaced and migrated to some less fertile land leaving behind our great-grandparents graves which were ploughed over by some people.

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Jun 12, 2020
zambeziseway project
by: john

the project can be found on its own website www.zambeziseaway.com

or on linkevin where the complete presidential concept paper copy of the project may be viewed.
unfortunaly. it has been delayed by anti government activists with comments to me like how can we get rid of government if this goes through, it will create half to a million jobs there will be massive investmentin mines etc.-we are \all on the same side here. this was said by directors in the ministry of transport. lets make biera our port and repair the biera railway to mutare - which will cost more and why should Zimbabwe repair Mozambique's railway lines. this has been presented to cabinet already. fortunately the minister of agriculture has now come on board as they also cover rivers and waterways - i will not bow down to corruption or economic sabotage.

Jan 06, 2022
by: Susie

Hi, whilst i respect your desire for more jobs, tearing up one of the most beautiful and pristine habitats on earth is not an acceptable way to do it.You can relocate animals but you cannot relocate beauty. Perhaps you should visit Lake Kariba and Mana Pools and see it for yourself.

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