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Dec 19, 2009
Age Limit on Rafting
by: Boo Peel

Hi Vic

Sorry to say but rafting will be closed in April, due to the high water levels of the Zambezi river. It normally closes around end February and starts again around June July. The river is just not runnable during this period

There is an age limit of 15 years, but in rare cases the rafting company will evaluate the child on site, and make a decision. Basically the life jackets are adult jackets and they have to fit extremely tightly so if the child is not big enough there is no way he/she can go. The Zambezi river is huge and has to be treated with the utmost respect and in my opinion is definitely not suitable for an 11 year old.

An alternative for you is to do a trip above Vic Falls in inflatable kayaks. This is great fun, you will come across some smaller grade 2 and 3 rapids but you will have a fantastic day out on the Zambezi with all the bird wildlife scenery etc. This is suitable for the whole family.

Hope that helps

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