

Progress on the Kazungula Bridge

(Victoria Falls)

Plan of the Kazungula Bridge

Plan of the Kazungula Bridge

25 September 2018

By this time next year, the use of the Kazungula Ferry to cross the Chobe-Zambezi River confluence at the Kazungula Border between Zambia and Botswana could be a thing of the past, as the deadline of the bridge under construction has be set to March of 2019.

"This was revealed by the Project Manager Pius Seone, last week when Permanent Secretary to the President Carter Morupisi and other senior government officials toured the project to appreciate progress. Morupisi's visit follows another in January when he was accompanied by Permanent Secretaries and Accounting Officers of independent departments.

The 923m long bridge will incorporate One-Stop-Border facilities where Zambia and Botswana Immigration and customs authorities will exercise control under one roof on both sides of the border.

According to Botswana government, the envisaged benefits of the bridge include reduced transit time for freight and passengers, reduced time-based trade and transport costs, improved border management operations arising from the new one-stop border facilities and increased traffic throughput along the North-South Corridor." - The Patriot Botswana

Construction on the bridge began in 2014, and progress has slow at the beginning - The bridge was originally meant to be completed in 2018.

The Kazungula Bridge will replace the ferry, which has, in recent years, become overwhelmed by the traffic and deteriorated. It will make it easier for those crossing from Livingstone for Chobe National Park trips or onward journeys.

We hope all goes according to plan and we look forward to smoother border crossings next year!

Comments for Progress on the Kazungula Bridge

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Feb 21, 2019
How long will it last?!
by: Anonymous

As the Kazungula ferry 'deteriorated', I don`t doubt that it will be only a matter of time until the bridge does too! Unless the Chinese not only build it but maintain it too!

Aug 10, 2019
Impressive progress!
by: David Newcombe

The new Kazungula bridge and all the tertiary customs & immigration building, housing and road construction has (apart from some financial snafus) been a testimony to SADC cooperation particularly between the governments of Botswana and Zambia (and more recently Zimbabwe).

The South Korean contractor, Daewoo,has performed extremely well under some adverse conditions and it looks like they will bring the bridge to completion by the revised timeline that calls for the bridge to be operational in 2021.

Aug 29, 2019
Kazungula Bridge
by: benjamin singer

You are wrong anonymous. First of all the Chinese are not building the bridge, Daewoo, which is a South Korean company is building it. Maintenance of the bridge has already been assigned to Zambian and Botswana interest who are currently being trained by Daewoo.

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