Yes the local bus companies like Extra City are accepting US$ cash. You can pay with Credit card at the main booking offices but if you are at one of the smaller depots like Masvingo it's probably best to have the cash available.
Aug 23, 2019
Zimbabwe currency by: Ricky
Hi Tony. Thanks so much for your response. If I have US$ and a debit/credit card do you see any need for me to change any money to the local currency?
Aug 23, 2019
Shouldn't be necessary by: Tony
Hi Ricky
At this moment in time no I don't. Even as locals living here we are battling to get hold of the local currency, so it's not fair to ask tourists to have to find a place to exchange their money.
Aug 23, 2019
Bus schedules by: Ricky
Hi Tony thanks again for your help. Its great to get information from a local. This is not about Vic Falls but do you have any info or know where i can find bus timetables and fares from Bulawayo-Masvingo and Masvingo-Harare?
Aug 26, 2019
Try Google maybe by: Tony
Hi Ricky
Sorry, but I can't help there. I think google is best bet, to get the numbers and then try phoning. They change schedules and routes so often it would be hard to keep up. You might also just have to leave it until you get here. Fares are generally not expensive and the buses travel quite often.