

Oh NO you dont

by zelda cranfield
(Hobart Australia)

Having just returned from Vic Falls I am horrified to read of such intentions. This cannot happen because it will impact on too many animal, eco sysytem, the local people and tourists wanting the peace and tranquility if the river. Some things money CANNOT BUY. Love and respect cannot be bought neither can money buy what nature has provided to all of us in that river. Just for a few selfish people who want to transport their goods quicker so they get a higher financial gain this foreign country mentioned will probably front up with the required US$3 billion. Why doesn't that money help the needy people who need help now or else they will die????????? I am so fortunate to have experienced this amazing river and Vic Falls and I likened it to the Grand Canyon in many ways, I enjoyed that but this river is WOW! Just imagine if someone suggested $3 billion US be spent bulldozing a part of the Grand Canyon

it would never happen SO WHY SHOULD THIS BE ALLOWED????

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Jun 28, 2013
little knowledge
by: John

Firstly dredging is excellent for the environment, you can walk on river banks, rather than take a boat.
Actually done all over the world save the third world where they have little money.
Fact is if we continue tio ignore same there will be nothing to see.
Already the sea backs up to Tete in Mozabique, locals complain of the salt on their land when trying to grow food crops.
Left to you there would be more building on the banks more siltage in the river.
The only way to get proper environmental control and funding is to think of a way to raise the funds and ignor those that think of every reason to let things get worse.
Study whaty happends to foliage and animal life when there are floods before commenting

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