

No more dams save land

by John

Zesa,s way out of their situation is promoting more dams.disasterous for rivers and game.

I led an 8 man team to investigate Zesa.
The chairman of Eskom held meetings with Peter Hain in London on how to squeeze power in Zimbabwe to effect Regime change let power stations lie idle until the boilers are unusable - stop industry.
We were so horified at what we saw - the CEO, stating -we dont need power stations we just need money from Reserve Bank yto import power from South Africa.
This CEO was clearly no engineer, in fact he proudly related thast he had a degree from Vits, in marketing!!!
We offered our expertise for free - estimating that we could get Harare Power Station fully opertational in 3 Months.
This would mean with the output no more power cuts in Harare. Our offer was rejected by Zesa as it opposed there political aims to bring Zimbabwe to its knees.
Simultaneously the writer was consulting on the provision of 4 power stations at Sengwa one tro provide free electricity to Zimbabwe and meeting all Zimbabwes needs the other 3 to provide Eskom with additional power.
Unfortunately the CEO of RIO was an opposition member and wrote to UK head office saying that they would shelve the project until regime change. Instead he ran RIO into 50 million debt.
THis would have cleared the friable non expotable coal from Sengwa encouraging more foriage and wildlife.
500 years of friable coal resources.
Those four power stations from EDF at reduced costs with a 50 year guarantee are no longer available
The CEO from ZESA was deservably fired for negligence, i would have fired him for terrorism.
He saw the new minister now MDC, explaing how he had supported the opposition and done it well being given a hand shake of 3 million for his dismissal. He was given promotion to the Board of Zesa
THe new CEO and minister again say after regime change we have a plan to import power from Zambia and Mozambique, power will be unaffordable supporting more dams.
We dont need dams we need an end to the opposition wanting government positions at any price.
In his opening speech in the Commons on Zimbabwe, Jack Straw assured parliamentarians that they would rebuild Zimbabwe after regime change, Britain is broke!!!!
We nust oppose unecessary dams that silt up and flood land meant for game, they are not necessary.
Al; that id necessary is that we get proper engineers into Zesa and stop allowing it to be used as a political weapon against us and the country.

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