

National Railways Zimbabwe

What ever happened to the rail line from Mutare to Beira shorter cheaper can be double lines and electric make Nyazura the hub jobs jobs enough land for a shunt yard ( hub) Enough said lets be smart and civil we need input no cry babies suggest something not just blame blame

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Jun 12, 2020
Rail closed down mining sectory and most of industry
by: John

You are out of touch with reality.
the cost of rail transportation closed the mining sector of Zambia and Zimbabwe it became cheater to mine than transport minerals to the sea.
Today the cupper mine reopened using their large Terex trucks to transport copper ore to Durban unfortunately along roads from Victoria falls. the weight is such Zimbabwe cannot keep,pace with repairs. with a seaway down the Zambezi this would change and the costs would disappear, railways are unsuited as we do not have the expertise to maintain them anymore.

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