Loss of Tourismby Danny
Hi Tourism is a major income earner for the region. That is very very true and actually tourism is almost defiantly the biggest income in Zimbabwe at the moment! If this project goes ahead then all the tourism will be lost. Even if the surrounding area is not effected directly, (which it will be) the use of the seaway will defiantly affect the wildlife indirectly. It will alter the whole eco-system, which is in perfect balance and has been for millions of years. This is an unbelievably selfish and stupid thing to do, but if we don't fight it, some business man sitting behind his computer with too much money and no brain will finance this, for his own benefit. Not thinking about the Zambezi as one of the best game viewing areas in Southern Africa, and possibly the whole of Africa. The Zambezi valley would be a huge loss for the whole world, and incredibly sad if we never get to enjoy this unique and special place again!!