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The Largest Waterfall in the World

The Victoria Falls have been billed as the Greatest Falling Curtain of Water on this Planet, making it one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

The Victoria Falls is considered to be the largest waterfall in the world.

They are not the widest waterfall or the highest waterfall but with all dimensions taken into account, including almost the largest flow rate, they are considered to be the biggest curtain of falling water in the world.

Surpassing the magnificent Niagara Falls and Iguacu Falls.

The Victoria Falls lower mean annual flow rate compared to these two giants is only because of the reduced flow it has during the long dry season of Southern Africa.

Size and flow rate chart of Victoria Falls with Niagara and Iguazu for comparison


Victoria Falls

Niagara Falls

Iguazu Falls

Height Metres 108m 51m 64-82m
Feet 360ft 167ft 210-269ft
Width Metres 1 708m 1 203m 2 700m
Feet 5 603ft 3 947ft 8 858ft
Flow rate units (vol/sec):  
Mean annual flow rate: m3/s 1 088 2 406 1 745
cu ft/s 38 422 85 000 61 659
Highest recorded flow: m3/s 12 600 8 264 12 792
cu ft/s 444 965 292 000 452 000

Width of Victoria Falls

The widht of the Victoria Falls

The width of the Victoria Falls spanning across the Zambezi River

The Victoria Falls are 1700m wide and are made up of five different “falls”. Four of these are in Zimbabwe and one is in Zambia. They are known as The Devil’s Cataract, Main Falls, Rainbow Falls and Horseshoe Falls in Zimbabwe and the Eastern Cataract in Zambia.

Height of Victoria Falls

The height of the Victoria Falls varies between 70m and 108m

The height of the Victoria Falls from the top to the bottom of the gorge

The Zambezi River's gentle meander through the African landscape is spectacularly interrupted as the river plummets over a knife edge cliff into a narrow chasm below. The height of this chasm varies from 70 m (233ft) to 108m (360ft).

The Devil’s Cataract (70 meters high)

The name comes from the adjacent island in the river where the local tribes used to perform sacrificial ceremonies. When the missionaries arrived in the area they referred to these ceremonies as “devilish” and hence the name was given to this cataract.

Main Falls (93 meters high)

This is the largest waterfall and certainly the most majestic view of the falls. A wide curtain of water, with a peak flow rate of 700 000 cubic metres per minute. The sheer volume over the height of the falls is so great that before getting anywhere near the ground, the water is buffeted by the strong rising winds and turned into mist.

Horseshoe Falls (95 meters high)

As the name suggests these falls are shaped like a horseshoe. This is the section with the least volume of water and will be the first to dry up usually between October and November.

Rainbow Falls (108 meters high)

This is the highest point of all the falls. On a clear day a beautiful rainbow can normally be viewed at this point. A Lunar rainbow may also be seen on a full moon lit night.

The Eastern Cataract (101 metres high)

These are the second highest falls and they are situated completely on the Zambian side of Victoria Falls but you can have a stunning view of them from the Zimbabwean side at danger point.

Largest Waterfall in the World

These numbers seem inadequate to relay the awesome size and power of this the largest waterfall in the world. I hope that one day you are able to come and see for yourself…..

Please click on the links to read more interesting facts on Victoria Falls, we have created some webpages on other Waterfalls in the World

We found this website all about the world's most beautiful waterfalls The World of Waterfalls  You'll find info, photos, stories, and travel tips about these wonderful curtains of nature.

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