

Comments for Is there more than one transfer shuttle a day from Vic Falls to Kasane?

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Apr 15, 2014
Yes more than one shuttle per day but not scheduled
by: Tony

Hi Delmar

These shuttles are not scheduled they have to be booked so they operate at any given time that someone wants to go. The minimum charge for Vic Falls to Kasane is 2 people. There are multiple companies that offer these transfer services. So one company might not have anyone going on a given day but then another company might. Generally there are more transfers in the early morning when clients are going to Bostwana for a Chobe day trip and then again in the evening when they are returning back to Zimbabwe. But as said you can book a transfer at any time as long as there are 2 of you or you pay for 2 people. They are very reliable services and they will collect you from your Hotel in Victoria Falls.

Hope that answers your question

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