

I think it is a great idea

by Zolani

I think it is a great idea they should start drilling as soon as possible because as rich as the area is with wildlife but still it is still underdeveloped people are still living in circumstances that are forcing them to migrate to other areas causing problems somewhere else. If the project is really going to encourage industrilisation and better the lives of the people why not.

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Jan 31, 2016
It is a bad, bad , bad idea
by: Amanda Johannesburg

One just has to look at all the pollution, environmental devastation and irreparable damage that other such projects have caused worldwide. The short term advantage is indeed money and so-called advancement but the long-term damage can never be undone again and the environment returned to its natural state as nature had intended it to be. The money gained by such projects CANNOT ever save and conserve the displaced animals or people simply because their habitat and space has been destroyed. Ask the tribes who were displaced to make way for the Kariba or Cobora Bassa dams whether they were happy or really beneficiated by these two destructive projects and the response will be negative.

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