

I can recommend the Kariba Ferry

by Shane
(South Africa)

Sunset lake Kariba

Sunset lake Kariba

With the back drop of the beautiful lake Kariba, the ferry made for a picturesque and outstanding experience. The ferry has been kept in great condition in spite of the lack of clientele due to Zimbabwe's problems in recent years. The staff were always around when needed and performed requests with smiles on their faces. Good friendly service can turn a bad experience around, in this case change was not required.

The food was impressive satisfying what seemed like everyone. Working on a buffet system there was more than enough for each passenger. The ferry left at 9:00am sharp and arrived at Mlibizi at 7:00am the next day. The only time the ferry stopped was to let the passengers swim. This further amplified the beauty of the crossing. With the Zimbabwean sun beating down, a dip in the lake was the cure to the afternoon heat.
I recommend the ferry crossing as a much more enjoyable option than driving. The atmosphere, friendly staff and breathtaking scenery sets the tone for a great time.
People chat and make new friends in the duration of the trip, hearing about others trips can prove interesting. A well run organization that I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone. Thank you so much.

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