

How can I buy my train ticket from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls

by Richard
(Gaborone )

I am arriving directly by train from Botswana to Zimbabwe. Can I buy my Zimbabwe Visa (Category B) in US $ cash at the border ? And how do I buy my train ticket from Bulawayo to Victoria Falls at Bulawayo station (I have US $ cash and a foreign credit card (Visa Card) only ) ?

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Jul 23, 2019
Paying in US$
by: Tony

Hi Richard

Yes you can buy your visa with your foreign credit card or US$ cash.
For your train ticket, just speak to the attendants at the station, if they can't take the US$ themselves they will direct you to someone who will exchange them for you, but rest assured that if you have some US$ cash with you, you will be able to buy a ticket.

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