

Comments for Hire a 4x4

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Feb 09, 2010
None available
by: Tony

Hi Jim

You have not mentioned where you actually want to hire the vehicle to and from, but I am presuming that it will be from Vic Falls.

I have been trying to source a vehicle for you here but there is just nothing available in Victoria Falls.

You would have to use one of the companies outside Zimbabwe for instance Safari Drive - see their website www.safaridrive.com - they operate out of Zambia and Botswana.

A 4x4 without camping gear is available from Excellence car hire, they have no website but email number is: excelinc@africaonline.co.zw
Tel: +263 4 703354
Let me know how you get on, we would appreciate feedback if you manage to get this sorted out.
Please contact us if you need any further help.

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