There are no regular commercial flights between Kariba and Vic Falls. You would have to charter a plane, The company that offers this and does this route regularly is Sefofane.
It depends on your budget as the costs are quite high especially if it is a return trip. The distance between the two destinations is considerable.
Dec 02, 2010
Kariba Ferries by: Ron Campbell
Hi Tony, Does the ferry still go down to Kariba, that could be a lovely scenic option. Ron.
Dec 02, 2010
Kariba Ferry by: Tony
Hi Ron, yes the ferry has just started operating again this year and it is fantastic. We have a page on our site which you can see here Kariba Ferry
Loved the song by the way....Thanks
Dec 04, 2010
Ferries & Songs by: Anonymous
Greetings Tony, Was just looking at the Ferry on your site, brings back very fond memories, I think your lady from SA would love to go down to Kariba on that. Re my song Thank You, I am thrilled that you liked it, am busy doing a little fun thing "Beating on the Pot's & Pan's" it's about camping in Inyanga as kids with my Dad, late brother & cousins, Dad being a fine trumpiter played by the fire while the rest of us carried on like hooligans round the fire, of course I destroyed the cutlary using them as drum sticks on the pot's etc - wasnt popular with the old man. In the new year I am doing one about the "Mighty Zambezi", which, if it turns out ok will send over for you to have a listen. Have a great weekend, & keep the news coming, loving it. Cheers Ron.
Dec 08, 2010
2 nights for sale by: Anonymous
i have 2 nights for sale at lokuthula lodge in vic falls for wedensday and thurdsy nighs 29th and 30th december, 6 sleeper(2 bedroom) for sale at R950.00 per night.
thanks zarina 0828584980
Sep 29, 2011
Charter Flights by: Simon Wild
There are quite a few air charter companies operating in Zimbabwe - Only Wilderness Air is based in Victoria Falls, and there are none based in Kariba. Contact Executive Air: for quotes on any and all flight options - they have a large fleet and can offer cheap flights as well as fast luxurious ones from pretty much anywhere to pretty much anywhere else...