

Crossing Victoria Falls border

Once we are in Victoria falls on zambia side, is it easy to cross the border to Zimbabwe?

By Tony

Yes it is very easy. The immigration buildings are about 1.8kms apart so it is quite a big walk if you are carrying luggage, but you can take a taxi between the two if you prefer. You will be going across the Victoria falls bridge which is very nice and this is where they do the bungee jumping.
You will possibly need to buy an entry visa when you get to Zimababwe depending on the passport you are on and if you are going back to Zambia then you will need another visa when re-entering Zambia.

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Dec 11, 2022
Zimbabwe/Zambia border crossing - update Dec 2022
by: Naomi

Very easy to do and safe. We crossed once in the morning (walked) and once at night (by taxi).

Things to note:

Taxi to the border $5-10 USD

Walk between borders took us 20-30 mins depending on how many photos you take - great way to see the falls! Going Zimbabwe to Zambia the bridge means you’re 10-15 mins from the Zambian border.

Taxi between borders $5-10 usd. $10 for us - combination of doing it at night (less taxis) and in the low season. The locals work together so there is no bartering in between - 1 person will likely approach you once your passport is stamped to ask if you want to buy something or if you need a taxi then show you where they’re parked.

Taxi from Zambian border to airport - $30USD. Not air cones but the windows open make it cool and pleasant. Cheaper than the hotel transfer.

Allow 10-20 mins in low season at each border to get passports stamped etc. bring your COVID vaccination - they might check it but not always.

Zimbabwe might ask you to fill out a form. It’s available on the desk. Bring a pen.

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