Is using spotlights on night drives detrimental to the wildlife?
Is using spotlights on night drives detrimental to the wildlife? How is man affecting Victoria Falls in a positive way?
Hello! :)
Environmental Issues
by Megan
What are some problems that are going on at Victoria Falls? Environmental Issues? Anything that causes problems at Victoria Falls I would like to know what they would be...
How is man affecting the environment around Victoria Falls?
by Dawn Brown
Hi, great website. My son aged 11 is doing a Geography project on Victoria Falls. One of the questions is explain how humans may be affecting the natural wonder & how he can stop tourists damaging the natural wonder. He has thought of natural waste e.g. rubbish etc. Is there anything else that we as humans do either knowingly, or unknowingly that is damaging Victoria Falls and how we can protect it. Big thank you for your help.