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The Vic Falls Bush Telegraph

In our travels and research for content for this site we come across loads of interesting and topical information that we know will be of interest to our readers.

We will be showcasing some of the best bits into our bi-monthly e-newsletter.

These are just some of the topics that we will be covering.

  • Victoria Falls Destination update
  • News, events and happenings in Vic Falls
  • New safaris and special offers
  • Animal story of the month
  • Topical and controversial issues
  • Conservation and anti poaching stories
  • Plus much more
  • Plus the best thing is that you can contribute your stories or pictures for our readers to enjoy and comment on.

    Click here for our back issues:

    If you like it why not sign up, it's Free and Easy just fill in the box at the bottom of the page. 


    Just love all this news about Vic Falls......I have visited several times and love the area.

    Cheers, Helen Jackson.


    I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy receiving and reading the Traveller's Guide to Victoria Falls. The website is as good as I have ever seen and your continued updates on happenings and local history is a welcome read.

    You should be commended for all your hard work! Your newsletter keeps me informed about new and old and is the best I've seen in a long while - informative, not commercial, just plain perfect! Looking forward to future issues!

    Inge Skliros


    Thanks your Telegraph is fantastic and most informative and I think must be doing a marvellous job in marketing the Falls area and Zimbabwe in general.

    Keep up the great work

    Kind regards Edwina 


    "Greetings from Australia. I have no questions or bad comments but I did want to give you a few accolades on the content, web page design and all the other things that make up your news. ...We thoroughly enjoy reading the Travel Guide when it appears in our Inbox. We are heading your way in March and your guide is immensely helpful."

    Kind Regards  Colin Ward Australia.


    Thanks for reading this far, just enter your details below to join our mailing list.

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    Simunye - We are One - Live theatre show in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Click to book!
    Luxury Journeys by train from Pretoria to Victoria Falls, on the Rovos Rail

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