

A great big thank you to you and all involved in your team,

by Colin

Hi Boo & Tony,

Well Christina & Jaiden have returned from their Honeymoon and I just want to thank you for organising such a special trip for them. They loved everything and had such a great time, Jaiden even got to play Golf on the last day.

You did well in 2017 when organising my family's trip back, continued that great work in 2019 with Kim and Matt's honeymoon and then just lifted the bar again with Christina and Jaidens honeymoon trip. I just can't thank you guys enough!

A great big thank you to you and all involved in your team,


And Best Regards,


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Thank you
by: Boo Peel

HI Colin

Thank you for the email – so pleased to hear they had a wonderful Honeymoon😊
What a special place to play golf and pleased that Jaiden managed to get a game in.

Colin thank you for entrusting your family holidays and Honeymoons to us – we can honestly say that you are our most favorite clients to work with😊

We certainly look forward to the next "Slow Trip" to our part of the world and that you will definitely be part of this one, I am sure.

Have a wonderful rest of the year and a huge congratulations to the Happy Couple and wishing you and your family all the best, until we next year from you.

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