Solo Build It ReviewsHow This Website Changed Our Lives from Terrible Debt to Financial Freedom...
This is part two of our story, part one (our About Us page) tells in more detail of our lives up to the point that we found Solo Build It. On this page we would like to tell you just how SBI has changed our lives, and how we believe it can change the lives of others too. To recap briefly, we were farmers in Zimbabwe and in 2002 we lost our farm during Robert Mugabe's land resettlement programme. We then decided to move to England to rebuild our lives. However 5 years later after a succession of bad decisions and poor business ventures, we had blasted our entire savings and were heavily in debt. We now faced a dire predicament; our hearts longed to be back in Africa, but we no longer had the funds or resources, to get back. How were we going to make a living? We had run our own businesses all our lives but neither of us are qualified in any way. We are middle aged and I guess not very employable. We were unlikely to secure a descent job. We didn't want to start another business with a large workforce and high overheads. Plus we had no money to invest. So what could we do? At this stage we were also getting weary of life, too many things seemed to have gone wrong, too many bad decisions. We desperately wanted to start doing something that we were passionate about, life is too short to waste. “The biggest mistake people make in life is not making a living doing what they most enjoy” - Malcolm S Forbes 1919 - 1990 A breakthrough came along when I attended the World Internet Summit in London, it revolutionised my thinking. It showed me how the power and functionality of the internet meant we could make a substantial living from our computer anywhere in the world, as long as we had an internet connection. • We could literally access a wide world market from our lap top. The start up costs were small, which was great for us. All we needed to do was invest our time!! It ticked all the right boxes for us and was truly the solution to our income problem. Okay… so the Internet was definitely the solution to making money. The next problem was, how on earth could we do this? We tried numerous make money on the internet programs, of which there are thousands, each one (apart from the complete scams) I guess might have worked, but none of them seemed to deliver what they promised. Eventually we were lucky enough to find Solo Build It (SBI)….It gave us everything, and we mean absolutely everything, that we needed to build a successful online business. It was now up to us. It was the solution to our second problem! SBI was how we were going to build a successful online business. We are not the only ones, believe me there are thousands of people that have changed their lives through SBI. Watch this short 1 minute video to see some of them. You might be completely unfamiliar with internet marketing. Maybe you are slightly interested in building an online business but are wondering if/how you can do it. Perhaps you are failing at current efforts but really want to make a business of this and are looking for a better way. Whatever it is, SBI walks you through every step of the process that you need to know to establish a complete online business (more about that later). It starts with the very basics – The single most common question we get asked, the place that 99% of people get stuck. “What can I possibly build a website about, that can make me money?” Well when we started this we had No idea that we were going to build a website about Victoria Falls, but with the guidance and tools provided by SBI they helped us to research the subjects that we knew something about, that we were passionate about and that were likely to be profitable, thereby honing in on our site theme. Read about how to turn your passion, hobby or interest into a money making website Every single person knows a little something about a certain something that other people would also like to know about. From gardening to looking after your elderly parents, from making model airplanes to teaching a parrot to talk. You know something that someone else is keen to find out about. Your journey in life has taught you that something. SBI‘s Brainstorm It! is a powerful research tool, which tells you how many people are searching the internet for the keyword that you know something about. Guiding you to the most profitable site concept. It might sound complicated and daunting but its incredibly easy, SBI provides everything. Their complete Video Action Guide presents a step-by-step process, presented in both written and video formats. All you have to do is follow it. Really! The most successful SBI! owners say "all they did was follow the Guide." They don't get sidetracked, or have to guess at what to do next. SBI!'s guided approach helps you reach your goals. You can choose and create a professional-looking presentation, even if you have no design skills. And if you're a designer, you can create and upload your own. SBI has so many other features there are just too many to list. The screen shot below shows Site Central, the nerve centre from where you control everything. You can see from from all the buttons how many features this system has.
From researching your site concept to building a page, optimised for Google's search engine. From blogging to the amazing Content 2.0, where your visitors contribute to your site and thereby help build it for you. Plus a complete data centre which delivers daily stats on your traffic, position in Google, Yahoo and Bing, link popularity and everything else as well. You can see a full list of all the tools by clicking on the picture of the penknife
Why Are Solo Build It Sites So Successful ?SBI has a completely unique approach to making money online it's called the C Create good content that can be found on the search engines like Google. Traffic will come looking for the information. Don't hard sell to your customers but gain their trust and then once they trust you they will buy things from you. All successful sites have one thing in common and that's Traffic, because at the end of the day Traffic equals money, its that simple. Advertisers pay big money to advertise on sites that have a lot of traffic. Certainly my biggest eye opener was that a huge majority of sites that are built even by professionals (who charge a fortune) are not built correctly. They may look beautiful, but nobody can find them, lost in cyber space only ever to be found by the most obscure keywords. No one ever visits them!!! You want to be on “Page One of Google" that’s what counts, that’s when you will have more visitors to your site than you know what to do with. Again SBI over-delivers, showing you exactly how to build traffic. Every page you build is built in the correct way so that Google loves you and moves you up the rankings. With 200 million sites online, an Alexa ranking of 1 million puts you into the top one-half-percent (Top 0.5%). Despite 6 times as many sites trying to break into the Top 1 million, there are many more Solo Build It! owners ("SBIers") in the Top 0.5% today than in the Top 3% almost a decade ago. Even our site has at the time of writing has got an Alexa ranking of 475,164. That’s well into the top 0.5%. We get over a 3300 visitors a day and that number grows daily.
So In Conclusion:SBI has really provided us with our perfect life. We now make a substantial living doing what we love. We love the African bush and the animals, Victoria Falls and Zimbabwe and everything else about it, and now we get paid to write about it. We get to travel and stay in really nice places and do all the wonderful activities. We love what we do and can't believe how lucky we are. Thank you SBI. We get to promote products and causes that we really believe are worthwhile, plus SBI has taught us how to build a proper website. We can now go on and build as many websites as we like on whatever our passions and interest are, and each one can make us a sizable income.
Questions that we are always asked:Is this really as easy as it sounds? - Yes it is and No it isn’t. It's not a matter of pressing a couple of buttons and hey presto you can retire. Don’t be fooled, this is not a quick process it takes a great deal of effort and time to build a successful site, but if you are committed to that; It is Easy, you don’t have to have any brilliant writing skills, computer and website knowledge or technical know how, all of that comes with SBI. You will build yourself a lifetime investment, that will just keep on growing. Don’t worry any more about retirement packages this is your retirement package. It becomes a machine that just keeps on earning you money all the time. So YES anyone can do it, it's easy as long as you are committed. See these recent SBI! success stories. They are sure to inspire you How much does it cost? - The price is currently $299/year or you can pay $29.99 per month. And that includes absolutely everything, full membership, no hidden costs, access to all the features and functions and all the training. That’s your domain name, hosting, and everything that I showed you earlier on in this page. It’s by far the best deal I have seen anywhere and I am using it so I can vouch for that fact that there are No Catches. Anyway that's enough from me, I have gone on way too long, but to be honest I could keep going. If you haven't gathered already, I can't rate SBI highly enough!!! So If You are Open Minded and Genuinely in Search of Ways To Build a Successful Online Business - Try Solo Build It. If you want to ask any more questions fire away at SBI’s Question Centre or go to the Questions and Comments box below. If you want to try SBI Click Here. Don’t forget.. It’s a bit of a No-brainer because SBI! has a no-risk, 90-day money back guarantee. It's a risk-free decision that you can make with confidence and peace of mind.
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