New Update on the KAZA UniVisa
6 October 2017, It has been reported that the KAZA visa stickers will return to Zambia and Zimbabwe ports of entry where they have previously been issued - namely Victoria Falls border, Kazungula borders, and Lusaka, Livingstone, Harare and Victoria Falls airports. According to the KAZA Liason officer for Zimbabwe, the stickers are being dispatched within the next few days, and issuance should resume next week. New developments with the univisa is the printing of the stickers within both Zimbabwe and Zambia as opposed to having them printed outside of the countries, as well as the integration of the univisa into both countries' immigration systems, which is expected to be completed at the end of the year or in early 2018. The return of the KAZA univisa stickers is is great news after the stickers ran out towards mid September this year, forcing tourist to rearrange itineraries and some even cancelling some activities in either Zimbabwe or Zambia. But the new developments by KAZA and the immigration departments should add some efficiency, and have the stickers available at all times. In the meantime, while we wait for the univisas to arrive, visitors to Zimbabwe and Zambia can still use the regular single, double, multiple and day tripper visas. For more information about visa requirements, see the links below. KAZA UniVisa Zimbabwe Visa Zambia Visa Botswana Visa